
Certificate of domicile qiyamgah

How to get a certificate of domicile in Pakistan:

Certificate of domicile and Residence Certificate and how to apply them in major cities of Pakistan.


  1. What is a Residence Certificate?
  2. How to Apply for Residence in Lahore?
  3. How to apply for residency in and PRC in Karachi?
  4. How to apply for residency in Islamabad?

Are you looking for the complete process of applying for a domicile in Pakistan? Well, we’ve got you covered.

Here is an overview of what documents are required for a certificate of domicile in each of the major cities of Pakistan, the procedure for obtaining the certificate of domicile, and the fees for the certificate of domicile.


The Certificate of Residence is an official document that proves that a person is a resident of a specific city. This certificate is usually required for admission to public universities or for a position in a government agency.

According to Pakistan citizenship rules, only the federal or provincial government, or a district judge authorized by a provincial government, can issue a residency. Also, this certificate can only be obtained from one city.

If you already have a residence in another city, you must have it deleted before applying for a new one

How to apply for residency in Lahore?

The process of applying for a certificate of domicile in Lahore is fairly simple

Those seeking residency in Lahore can visit the e-Khidmat Markaz established by the provincial government.


Let’s take a look at the documents required to obtain residency in Lahore.

  • Duly completed Forms P and P1 signed by the applicant
  • Duly completed Affidavit on PKR-50 trademark paper signed by the applicant and certified by the Oath Commissioner (optional)
  • Paid challan form of PKR 200 from National Bank of Pakistan
  • Three passport photos with a white background
  • Copy of the applicant’s CNIC or B form
  • Copy of parent or spouse’s CNIC
  • AC Verification Form, may or may not be notarized

At least one of the following authorization documents is also required.

  • Title documents (fard, title papers or land register, etc.)
  • Utility bills (electricity, gas, or telephone)
  • Certificate of residence (rental agreement)
  • Education documents (matriculation or higher certificate)
  • UC electoral roll where applicant’s vote is registered

All of the above documents and other domicile requirements must be at least one year old at the time of application.


Here is what you need to do to apply for residency in Lahore.

Step 1: Get the Challan form e-Khidmat Markaz or the adjacent National Bank of Pakistan branch

Step 2: Pay the Challan of 200 PKR

Step 3: Visit e-Khidmat Markaz and get the required residency application form. You can also download it beforehand from the government’s official website for e-Khidmat Markaz

Step 4: Complete and submit the residency application form along with your complete documents

Step 5: Receive an electronic receipt after successfully submitting your documents.

Step 6: Track your application by entering the tracking ID on the e-Khidmat Markaz website. You can also download their mobile app, call their toll-free number, or use their SMS gateway by sending your ID

Step 7: Get your certificate of residence

How to apply for residency and PRC in Karachi

You can get Domicile and PRC in Karachi by visiting your respective DC office

Karachi residents can apply for domicile and PRC (Permanent Residential Certificate) by visiting the Deputy Commissioner Office (DC Office) of their respective district.


You must submit these documents to apply for residency and PRC in Karachi.

  • Five passport photos (uncertified)
  • Original + certified copy of the applicant’s CNIC
  • For applicants under the age of 18: certified copy of their Form -B
  • Certified copies of all educational documents up to the current year
  • For applicants under the age of 21, copies of their father’s CNIC and residence
  • For civil servants, a certified copy of the service certificate
  • Notarized proof of residence (electricity bill, gas bill, or copy of rental agreement)
  • If the applicant is married, a copy of the spouse’s CNIC
  • If the applicant has children, certified copies of the children’s birth certificates or Form-B


This is the complete procedure to get the Karachi domicile.

Step 1: Pay Challan of PKR 200 at the DC Branch of the National Bank of Pakistan

Step 2: Stick 1 rupee stamp on all photocopies

Step 3: Obtain the Residence Application Form and once completed, have it notarized by the Oath Commissioner

Step 4: Submit your document to the DC Office. If the responsible department requires additional documents, you must submit these as well

Step 5: Receive a receipt after submitting your documents

Step 6: Obtain your Karachi Domicile Certificate and PRC from DC Office

The applicant must visit the office in person to apply for the PRC and residency in Karachi.

How to apply for residency in Islamabad?

According to the Islamabad Capital Territory Government’s official website, any person who has resided in Islamabad for one year or more is eligible to apply for residency in Islamabad. If you already have a place of residence from another city, it is mandatory to have the older document canceled before applying for a new one.


Here is a list of documents required to obtain a Certificate of Residence in Islamabad.

For applicants over 21 years of age:

  • Two passport photos
  • Trade or professional certification
  • A copy of the applicant’s CNIC
  • A copy of the father’s or husband’s CNIC
  • An original utility bill (electricity, gas, or telephone)
  • A copy of proof of residency in Islamabad such as B. a letter of assignment or a rental agreement
  • In the case of government officials, the Ministry’s NOC
  • In case of duplicate address on CNIC, NOC from the home district
  • A copy of the SSC or Matric Certificate
  • If married, a copy of the marriage certificate
  • If you have children, a copy of Form-B
  • Statutory declaration
  • electoral roll


How to apply for your residence in the capital step by step:

Step 1: Visit the Citizen Facilitation Center in Islamabad along with your Certificate of Residence Application Form and required documents

Step 2: Get a token from the counter and wait for your turn

Step 3: Visit the data entry counter

Step 4: Pay the processing fee at the counter

Step 5: Obtain your electronic receipt

Step 6: Collect your certificate of domicile from the Citizen Facilitation Center on the date indicated on the electronic receipt

It is important to note that the applicant must appear in person along with their original documents when applying for residency in Islamabad.

In the meantime, if you’re planning to apply for a passport, National ID Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP), or NADRA Family Registration Certificate, take a look at our comprehensive guides to learn more about the required documents and application procedures. Our guides on NADRA e-Sahulat as well as Vehicle Verification in Pakistan.

Abdication: The above information was extracted from the official government websites of each province. Therefore, it is subject to change at the discretion of each authority.

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